The U.S. Army Infantry Motto: "Follow Me" – A Symbol of Leadership and Commitment
The United States Army Infantry is known for its courage, bravery, and dedication to duty. The Infantry is the backbone of the U.S. Army and has a long and storied history of defending our nation's interests both at home and abroad. The Infantry is trained to be versatile, flexible, and ready to take on any mission. The motto "Follow Me" is one that is ingrained in every Infantryman, and it embodies the spirit of leadership, selflessness, and sacrifice that defines the Infantry.
The motto "Follow Me" is more than just a phrase; it is a call to action. It is a statement of confidence and a declaration of the Infantry's commitment to lead from the front. The motto is a reminder that the Infantry is willing to go where others will not, to do what others cannot, and to fight and win against all odds. It is a statement that the Infantry is ready to lead by example and to inspire others to follow.
The Origins of "Follow Me"
The origins of the "Follow Me" motto can be traced back to World War II, where it was first used by Maj. Gen. Aubrey Strode "Red" Newman. He commanded the 34th Infantry Regiment of the 24th Infantry Division during the Philippines Campaign. His cry of "Follow Me!" at Leyte rallied his troops and inspired American infantrymen for decades.
A Coast Guard-staffed LCVP from the USS Samuel Chase disembarks Company A, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment assaulting Omaha Beach on the morning of 6 June 1944.The Significance of "Follow Me"
The "Follow Me" motto is more than just a slogan; it represents the core values and principles that define the U.S. Army Infantry. The motto encapsulates the spirit of leadership, sacrifice, and commitment required of every Infantry soldier, regardless of rank. Here are the key elements that the motto embodies:
Leadership: The U.S. Army Infantry is all about leadership – from the individual soldier to the highest-ranking officers. In the heat of battle, it is the Infantry leaders who must make critical decisions and inspire their troops to achieve victory. "Follow Me" underscores the importance of leading by example and taking responsibility for the lives of the soldiers under one's command.
Commitment: Infantry soldiers face immense physical and mental challenges in the course of their duties. The motto "Follow Me" speaks to the unwavering commitment and determination required to overcome adversity and accomplish the mission. It serves as a reminder that each soldier must be prepared to give their all in the service of their country.
Trust: In the chaos of combat, trust is crucial. Soldiers need to have faith in their leaders and confidence in their own abilities. The motto "Follow Me" symbolizes the trust that must exist between Infantry soldiers and their leaders, as well as the trust that leaders place in their subordinates to carry out their orders.
Sacrifice: The U.S. Army Infantry is no stranger to the sacrifices required in the line of duty. The motto "Follow Me" serves as a reminder of the selflessness and courage demanded of every Infantry soldier. It acknowledges the reality that, at times, soldiers may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country.
"Follow Me" in the 21st Century
The U.S. Army Infantry continues to evolve and adapt to meet the challenges of modern warfare. In an era of rapidly changing technology and tactics, the motto "Follow Me" remains a constant source of inspiration and guidance for soldiers. It is a testament to the enduring qualities of leadership, commitment, and sacrifice that are necessary for success on the battlefield.
The "Follow Me" motto also transcends the boundaries of the U.S. Army Infantry, serving as a source of motivation for other branches of the military and even civilians in various walks of life. The core principles behind the motto – leadership, commitment, trust, and sacrifice – are universally applicable and can inspire individuals to strive for excellence in their personal and professional lives.
In recent years, the U.S. Army Infantry has faced numerous challenges, including adapting to asymmetric warfare, counterinsurgency operations, and urban combat. Throughout these trials, the "Follow Me" motto has remained a steadfast rallying cry, inspiring soldiers to embrace change, face adversity, and overcome obstacles.
A 4th Infantry Division soldier manning an M240 machine gun in Iraq.
Celebrating "Follow Me"
The "Follow Me" motto holds a special place in the hearts of U.S. Army Infantry soldiers, both past and present. Many veterans wear the emblem proudly on hats, jackets, and other memorabilia, as a symbol of their service and commitment. The Infantry School at Fort Benning also features the iconic "Follow Me" statue, a bronze sculpture of an Infantry soldier charging forward with his weapon raised, accompanied by the words "Follow Me." This powerful statue serves as a reminder of the bravery and dedication of the thousands of soldiers who have trained at the school and gone on to serve in the U.S. Army Infantry.
The U.S. Army Infantry motto, "Follow Me," stands as a powerful symbol of the qualities that define the Infantry soldier: leadership, commitment, trust, and sacrifice. As the U.S. military continues to adapt to the challenges of the 21st century, the motto will remain an enduring source of inspiration and guidance for those who serve in the Infantry and beyond. By embracing the principles of "Follow Me," soldiers and civilians alike can strive for excellence, overcome adversity, and lead others to success.
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